1. Aluminium Flat Busbars Shell material:
Current market - intensive Aluminium Flat Busbars shell includes: steel shell, aluminum alloy shell, aluminum magnesium alloy shell.The first kind of steel shell material is magnetic material. The flow of internal current will produce a strong eddy effect on the magnetic enclosure, causing the shell to heat up itself.And intensive busbar enclosure in addition to undertake the task of protection, another important task is the cooling function, think oneself have fever materials how can timely to the internal conductor as timely heat out?This is the important reason why steel shell bus line is very non-energy saving.Aluminum alloy shell material is a non-magnetic material, effectively avoid the eddy current loss, coupled with the material itself than aluminum steel material has better heat conduction ability, can more timely to internal heat conduction, so relatively steel shell it has stronger energy-saving effect; Aluminum magnesium alloy not only has aluminum alloy not to produce eddy current loss and superior thermal conductivity, it has higher mechanical strength than normal aluminum alloy.So far, the aluminum magnesium alloy material is intensive most ideal shell material for the tank.

The shell assembly of the bus groove assembly, manual riveting, automatic riveting.Bolt assembly formed bus with continuous vibration and running time, the bolt inevitably has a loose day, easy to appear because of bolt shedding caused short circuit accidents;Manually riveting to avoid the bolt looseness caused by fault, and makes the bus shell electrical continuity is better, but because it is a manual operation, hard to avoid has the product quality is uneven, and inefficient;Automatic riveting because it is a complete assembly line, the process level of the manual riveting has been further improved, which has achieved the uniform quality of all product assembly, and has greatly improved the production efficiency.